Client story: Smart power sharing gets Amsterdam port up to speed

23 April 2024

Port of Amsterdam

Grid congestion is ‘a spanner in the works’

Large-scale approach

what is a CBC?

A capacity limitation contract (CBC) allows the grid operator to prevent grid congestion. For a fee, companies with a CBC waive the full use of the agreed connection and transmission capacity. This allows the grid operator to issue more transmission capacity to parties queuing for it. With a group CBC, the grid operator invokes a limitation (only) at the group level. Within the group it can then see who is willing to temporarily reduce their electricity consumption or who can turn to their own power supply, such as batteries. In the process, consumption and local generation can also be offset against each other, meaning that a participating company will not, if ever, actually suffer the disadvantages of a limitation in its transmission capacity.

Everyone on board

FD Amsterdamse Haven 804x600

"The joint effort of this group of companies and the knowledge of both Liander and Kennedy Van der Laan has ensured that the electricity grid can be better utilized and that the sustainability ambitions in the port area can move forward again. It is a wonderful example of what is possible when there is innovative and out-of-the-box thinking and cooperation," said Wilko Tijsse Claase, member of Port of Amsterdam’s General Counsel.

Figurehead: the first Dutch CBC

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